Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
scal_fmm::fmm Class Reference

#include <fmm_demag.h>

Public Member Functions

 fmm (Mesh::mesh &msh, std::vector< Tetra::prm > &prmTet, std::vector< Facette::prm > &prmFac, const int ScalfmmNbThreads)
void calc_demag (Mesh::mesh &msh)

Public Attributes

std::vector< double > srcDen
std::vector< double > corr
std::vector< Tetra::prmprmTetra
std::vector< Facette::prmprmFacette

Private Member Functions

template<class T , const int NPI>
void insertCharges (std::vector< T > const &container, FSize &idx, Eigen::Ref< Eigen::Vector3d > const c)
void calc_charges (std::function< const Eigen::Vector3d(Nodes::Node)> getter, Mesh::mesh &msh)
void demag (std::function< const Eigen::Vector3d(Nodes::Node)> getter, std::function< void(Nodes::Node &, const double)> setter, Mesh::mesh &msh)

Private Attributes

const int NOD
OctreeClass tree
KernelClass kernels
double norm

Detailed Description

to initialize a tree and a kernel for the computation of the demagnetizing field, and launch the computation easily with calc_demag public member

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ fmm()

scal_fmm::fmm::fmm ( Mesh::mesh msh,
std::vector< Tetra::prm > &  prmTet,
std::vector< Facette::prm > &  prmFac,
const int  ScalfmmNbThreads 

constructor, initialize memory for tree, kernel, sources corrections, initialize all sources


Member Function Documentation

◆ calc_charges()

void scal_fmm::fmm::calc_charges ( std::function< const Eigen::Vector3d(Nodes::Node)>  getter,
Mesh::mesh msh 

computes all charges from tetraedrons and facettes for the demag field to feed a tree in the fast multipole algo (scalfmm)

◆ calc_demag()

void scal_fmm::fmm::calc_demag ( Mesh::mesh msh)

launch the calculation of the demag field with second order corrections


◆ demag()

void scal_fmm::fmm::demag ( std::function< const Eigen::Vector3d(Nodes::Node)>  getter,
std::function< void(Nodes::Node &, const double)>  setter,
Mesh::mesh msh 

computes the demag field, with (getter = u,setter = phi) or (getter = v,setter = phi_v)

◆ insertCharges()

template<class T , const int NPI>
void scal_fmm::fmm::insertCharges ( std::vector< T > const &  container,
FSize &  idx,
Eigen::Ref< Eigen::Vector3d > const  c 

function template to insert volume or surface charges in tree for demag computation. class T is Tet or Fac, it must have getPtGauss() method, second template parameter is NPI of the namespace containing class T

Member Data Documentation

◆ corr

std::vector<double> scal_fmm::fmm::corr

corrections associated to the nodes, contributions only due to the facettes

◆ kernels

KernelClass scal_fmm::fmm::kernels

kernel initialized by constructor


const int scal_fmm::fmm::NOD

number of nodes

◆ norm

double scal_fmm::fmm::norm

normalization coefficient

◆ prmFacette

std::vector<Facette::prm> scal_fmm::fmm::prmFacette

all surface region parameters for the facettes

◆ prmTetra

std::vector<Tetra::prm> scal_fmm::fmm::prmTetra

all volume region parameters for the tetraedrons

◆ srcDen

std::vector<double> scal_fmm::fmm::srcDen


◆ tree

OctreeClass scal_fmm::fmm::tree

tree initialized by constructor

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