1 #ifndef linear_algebra_h
2 #define linear_algebra_h
10 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
11 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
13 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Definition: linear_algebra.h:29
LinAlgebra(Settings &s, Mesh::mesh &my_msh)
Definition: linear_algebra.h:32
double DW_vz
Definition: linear_algebra.h:104
const int NOD
Definition: linear_algebra.h:77
double get_v_max(void)
Definition: linear_algebra.h:65
void setExtSpaceField(Settings &s)
Definition: linear_algebra.cpp:65
double ILU_tol
Definition: linear_algebra.h:86
Nodes::index idx_dir
Definition: linear_algebra.h:74
double v_max
Definition: linear_algebra.h:107
void buildInitGuess(Eigen::Ref< Eigen::VectorXd > G) const
Definition: linear_algebra.cpp:13
void prepareElements(Eigen::Vector3d const &Hext, timing const &t_prm)
Definition: linear_algebra.cpp:22
double ILU_fill_factor
Definition: linear_algebra.h:89
void set_DW_vz(double vz)
Definition: linear_algebra.h:62
int solver(timing const &t_prm)
Definition: solver.cpp:7
const std::vector< Tetra::prm > & prmTetra
Definition: linear_algebra.h:95
Mesh::mesh * refMsh
Definition: linear_algebra.h:101
const double TOL
Definition: linear_algebra.h:83
const int MAXITER
Definition: linear_algebra.h:80
const std::vector< Facette::prm > & prmFacette
Definition: linear_algebra.h:98
void base_projection()
Definition: linear_algebra.cpp:3
std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double, Nodes::DIM, Tetra::NPI > > extSpaceField
Definition: linear_algebra.h:110
const int verbose
Definition: linear_algebra.h:92
Container for all the settings provided by the user, with conversions to/from YAML.
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:63
int solverNbTh
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:143
Nodes::index recentering_direction
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:137
field_exprType getFieldType(void) const
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:291
bool recenter
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:134
Definition: time_integration.h:6
contains namespace Facette header containing Fac class, and some constants and a less_than operator t...
many settings to give some parameters to the solver, boundary conditions for the problem,...
@ R4toR3
Definition: feellgoodSettings.h:36
class mesh, readMesh is expecting a mesh file in gmsh format either text or binary,...
Definition: node.h:34
header to define struct Node
namespace Tetra header containing Tet class, some constants, and integrales